

10:00 – 16:00

Ľ. Fullu 62, 841 05, Bratislava, Slovakia


Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

3 days


  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • The book Thetahealing Advanced
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Advanced Practitioner
  • Refreshment

Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Seminar: 380€
Registration fee: 50€

Total: 430 €

Payment method: by transfer to the account below (at least 4 days before starting training)
IBAN: SK37 7500 0000 0040 2662 9139
Amount: 430€
Purpose of payment: Advanced DNA in person
Name: Your first and last name


10:00 – 16:00

Ľ. Fullu 62, 841 05, Bratislava, Slovakia


Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

2 days


  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book Digging for beliefs
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Dig Deeper Practitioner
  • Refreshment

Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Seminar: 380€
Registration fee: 50€

Total: 430 €

Payment method: by transfer to the account below (at least 4 days before starting training)
IBAN: SK37 7500 0000 0040 2662 9139
Amount: 430€
Purpose of payment: Dig Deeper In person
Name: Your first and last name

10:00 – 16:00

Atanerhealing s.r.o, L. Fullu 62, 841 05 Bratislava


Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

3 days


  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book : Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Basic DNA Practicioner
  • Refreshment

Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Seminar: 380€
Registration fee: 50€

Total: 430 €

Payment method: by transfer to the account below (at least 4 days before starting training)
IBAN: SK37 7500 0000 0040 2662 9139
Amount: 430€
Purpose of payment: Basic DNA in person
Name: Your first and last name

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

10:00 – 16:00

Atanerhealing s.r.o, L. Fullu 62, 841 05 Bratislava


Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

2 days


  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book You and the Creator
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be THETAHEALING® You and the Creator Practitioner
  • Refreshment

Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Seminar: 380€
Registration fee: 50€

Total: 430 €

Payment method: by transfer to the account below (at least 4 days before starting training)
IBAN: SK37 7500 0000 0040 2662 9139
Amount: 430€
Purpose of payment: You and the Creator in person
Name: Your first and last name

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy

09:00 – 15:00

Atanerhealing s.r.o, L. Fullu 62, 841 05 Bratislava


Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

2 weeks (5 seminar days, 2 days off and 5 seminar days)


  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book Diseases and Disorders
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – Be a THETAHEALING® Diseases and Disorders Practitioner
  • Refreshment

Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Seminar: 1800€
Registration fee: 200€

Total: 2000 €

Payment method: by transfer to the account below (at least 4 days before starting training)
IBAN: SK37 7500 0000 0040 2662 9139
Amount: 2000 €
Purpose of payment: Diseases and disorders – In person
Name: Your first and last name

In the offered seminars you will learn to work with unconditional love and the seven planes of existence.

You will learn to release yourself from programs and beliefs you have acquired in this live or your past lives.

You will learn to get to know yourself and your subconscious.

You will learn to help yourself or your loved ones.

You will learn how to switch brain waves (frequencies) to the Theta brain wave and this will allow you to access your subconscious.

The subconscious is associated with feelings and intuition.

It is precisely the place where all memories, experiences positive and negative are stored, traumas and beliefs,

that we carry from this life or as a cellular memory of our ancestors, which is encoded in genes (in our DNA).

It is affecting more than 80% of our lives without us realising it.


These seminars will introduce you to the ThetaHealing technique and open the way to becoming a Thetahealing practitioner.


One of the most powerful meditation techniques designed by Vianna Stibal, using a quick and effective technique guiding you to the 7th plane of existence. During this seminar, you will learn some of the benefits of how ThetaHealing can help you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

What this seminar involves:

  • The Roadmap to the Creator of All That Is.
  • 7 planes of existence
  • Where beliefs come from.
  • Manifesting.
  • Soulmates.

Learn more about the ThetaHealing® technique that everyone is talking about and start your ThetaHealing journey today!

Conditions for participation in the seminar:

Duration: 1-2 hours

Note: If you need a translation in English or German, you must inform us in due time.


This seminar fulfills Vianna’s vision of teaching Rainbow children. Our world is now blessed with Rainbow Children, Teens, Young Adults that are intuitively gifted individuals who are extremely loving, with memories of other times and places, who bring with them infinite love and patience.

Rainbow Children are wise souls offering new wisdom and possessing the ability to change the world around them. They are sensitive, compassionate and aware of others’ feelings.

Indigo Children ushered in a new age and can be influenced by negativity around them, but can now shift to Rainbow Children.

The Rainbow Children seminar is designed for them, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable programme will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.

You will go on an adventure and learn how to connect to the Creator: then learn a wide range of ThetaHealing® techniques… …such as how to do the belief work and how to create positive feelings; empathic readings; healings of the body and the soul; guided meditations; future and guardian readings.

Through the Seven Planes of Existence students will learn wonderful ways to communicate with angels and plants; how to heal with crystals; how to connect to power animals; drumming and totems, plus develop their telekinesis; and know how to change auras and heal animals.

You will learn 16 different exercises to practice either as a child or young adult.

Conditions for participation in the seminar: none

Duration: variable

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate issued by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge)
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


This seminar fulfills Vianna’s vision of teaching Rainbow children. Our world is now blessed with Rainbow Children, Teens, Young Adults that are intuitively gifted individuals who are extremely loving, with memories of other times and places, who bring with them infinite love and patience.

Rainbow Children are wise souls offering new wisdom and possessing the ability to change the world around them. They are sensitive, compassionate and aware of others’ feelings.

Indigo Children ushered in a new age and can be influenced by negativity around them, but can now shift to Rainbow Children.

The Rainbow Children seminar is designed for them, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable programme will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.

You will go on an adventure and learn how to connect to the Creator: then learn a wide range of ThetaHealing® techniques… …such as how to do the belief work and how to create positive feelings; empathic readings; healings of the body and the soul; guided meditations; future and guardian readings.

Through the Seven Planes of Existence students will learn wonderful ways to communicate with angels and plants; how to heal with crystals; how to connect to power animals; drumming and totems, plus develop their telekinesis; and know how to change auras and heal animals.

You will learn 16 different exercises to practice either as a child or young adult.

Conditions for participation in the seminar: none

Duration: variable

Seminar Includes:

  • Coloring book in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing technique
  • Certificate issued by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge)
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Data about our experiences begins in the moments when we have already begun to form… It is our individual thoughts and experiences that led to the creation of our reality. By understanding the communication between your cells and the cells of others, you can begin to recognize the patterns of your life and unlock the path to your success you seek.
Businesses around the world are exploring these patterns of behavior to maximize their profits and communicate most effectively with consumers and buyers of their products.

When you open yourself up to understanding your individual data, you begin to gain insights into how you function and what your algorithm is. You will become more aware of what you are programming and what is in your cells.

This seminar is for all individuals who are trying to gain understanding and connection with themselves. It will help you realize what amazing power your cells have and direct you to real abundance and balance in your life.
You will dive deep into your subconscious mind and find out what you are currently creating in your life.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:

Duration: 1 day

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


After completing BASIC DNA, you will officially become a ThetaHealing practitioner.
These are 4 essential seminars that will prepare you for your journey as a Thetahealing practice.


The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant.
The aim of this seminar is to practice a technique that allows you to change life patterns at basic, genetic, historical and soul levels…. either self inflicted or externally imposed.
ThetaHealing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level.

In this seminar, students will experience an opening to the unconditional love of the Creator.
The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar.

This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.

Seminar topics and exercises:

  • Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
  • Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
  • Introduction to manifestating in your life
  • Future readings
  • Learn how to balance your moods
  • Soulmates.
  • Waywards and implants
  • Seven Planes of Existence
  • The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All the Is

The ThetaHealing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar that certifies you as a practitioner of the ThetaHealing technique.
Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are two main seminars that will give you the tools to get started…. as a ThetaHealer.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Anyone who believes in Universal Creative Energy can apply (it doesn’t matter if you call it God, Creator, Universe … )

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book : Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Basic DNA Practicioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


The Advanced ThetaHealing Seminar expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.

  • The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back.
  • The student will discover how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises.
  • The student will receive Feelings that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them.
  • This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
  • You will continue learning and mastering belief work
  • You will enhance your knowledge on downloads
  • And learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Completed Basic DNA seminar

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Advanced ThetaHealing Book: Harnessing the Power of All That Is
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Advanced Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


The ThetaHealing Technique is fabulous for getting to the origin of our issues because Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called “digging”.

This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing technique then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.

This seminar is designed so that all ThetaHealing practitioners are well trained. In this basic technique, you will be provided with the solid foundations and tips you will need….. To be sure you dig in and find the basics of your clients’ key beliefs. Unless you can successfully identify the true core and origin of the problem, you won’t know what beliefs need to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may be temporary, and unremoved negative beliefs can be obstacles to true healing.

This seminar will allow you to help your clients understand their own behavior and life. Then through helping them make healing changes you’ll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.

With the completion of the Dig Deeper Seminar, you will have proficient knowledge and experience to keep doing belief work on yourself and others. You will be able to know all the techniques to release and uncover the hidden beliefs that we are operating from. Under the guidance of your instructor, you will have ample practice time for this class.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Completed seminars Basic DNA and Advanced DNA

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing® Book: Digging for Beliefs: How to Rewire Your Subconscious Thinking for Deep Inner Healing
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Dig Deeper Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


In this life time, we are supposed to achieve levels of love; love of our self, love of course of the Creator, love of a significant other…

….what it is like to really love your family, love your friends, and love the world.

We need to be able to master these, but how can we master these if our programs already carried by us say that it is impossible?

In this seminar, You and the Creator, we will show and teach students to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious. How their body actually works at solving problems and how they actually know the difference between communicating with energy of the Creator and communicating with their ego or with their higher self.

Remember the Creator is an energy of perfect and pure love. It is a knowing love. And it will change your life. This energy, this life force, is in every atom, and in every atoms, atoms are a part of you and part of everything around you. We will learn the difference in discerning and you will learn how to work and re-guide your subconscious to work for you.

It’s a very important seminar because when I teach, someone always says, how do I know if the answer is from the Creator?

This seminar will teach you how to direct your mind towards understanding.

This seminar is available for Basic, Advanced and Dig Deeper Practitioners and you can combine it with the You and your other half seminar or attend it separately.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Completed seminars Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Thetahealing Book: You and the Creator
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be the THETAHEALING® Practicioner – You and the Creator
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Continue to heal yourself and others. These seminars will help you with this.


Our soulmates know us so well on a spiritual level that you really have to learn how to love yourself to make them work. That’s what this seminar, also called Developing Your Relationship, is all about.

This seminar is designed to take you to the next step in your relationship, in your evolution, and to learn how to become a truly whole being.
This seminar is not only for couples, but also for anyone who wants to establish a relationship, intimate relationship or partnership in order to reach the highest potential.

Growing your Relationships will help you build a strong partnership, build a strong foundation, keeping your relationship fresh and new. And is designed to help your relationship work for you.

Learn how to really love another person and how to let them love you back, while removing blocks and obstacles handed down to us from our ancestors. When we truly love ourselves, we get the next level of enlightenment.

Would you like to know how to live your life without fearing love?
Without guilt in relationships?
To be loved by your companion?

Join this seminar and learn it.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA , Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be the THETAHEALING® Practicioner – You and Your Significant Other
  • Refreshment


This seminar is more deeply focused on clearing the beliefs and fears of finding a soul mate.
This seminar is an amazing way to find out what you’re really looking for in a partner and attract that beautiful energy without even looking for it!

Come discover what your relationship is missing and let us help you find your self-confidence, soul mate or just help rekindle that old spark again.
“Remember” love is everywhere, but without being completely open or aware to everything around us it can easily pass us by without even knowing it!

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Thetahealing Book: Finding Your Soulmate
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Soul Mates Practitioner
  • Refreshment


We are constantly growing and evolving. And during the growth process, it is very important to have a healthy support system and relationship with the people around us. It is only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence.

This seminar will truly change your life and prepare you to move forward by giving you clarity and discernment about who should be part of your inner circle and how to work on yourself to attract the right and like-minded people to become part of your life – your inner circle.

You and Your Inner Circle is design to help you to move forward in success in every aspect of your life by putting the right people around you, knowing who your best friend should be.

In this seminar we will teach you how to recognize your inner circle and how to recognize what level of development the people around you are at. We will show you the different stages of mind: The child stage, the parent stage and the crown or grandparent stage.

As healers, if you are surrounded by people that need constant encouragement, you will get drained very soon. Therefore, some people in your inner circle should be people who give back to you.

You will take a test to see in which mental development you are in. Then you will learn what you need to do to get where you like to be.

We teach you why your inner circle changes so much, why you shift your friends around, and what kind of friends you need to surround you with so that you are charged and feel good so that you can still give back to the world.

We are teaching you how to work with every stage of mind. Like this you will understand your clients and students and where they are and you can help them to move forward.

This seminar will be a prerequisite for DNA 4.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA , Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be the THETAHEALING® Practicioner – You and Your Inner Circle
  • Refreshment


In ThetaHealing®, the concept of manifesting is the Belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using theThetaHealing-Manifesting-and-Abundance connection to the Creator of All That Is.

Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. If you constantly say that you are poor, you will be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant, you will be. It is of the utmost importance to stay on a positive mind set.

The truth is that we are creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But you must first decide what it is you want in your life. Do you have a dream of experiencing the life you want? Many have the dreams, but not the reality despite much searching.

This seminar uses an amazing questionnaire to help you find many surprising and deeply hidden blocks that stand between you and your goals.
It shows you how to dig deep to clear them;
teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you.
You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life.

Many people attempt to use ThetaHealing® to download complete financial success without first Energy-Testing themselves to find what may be blocking them. In some instances, these people become upset when they do not achieve immediate results.

In this seminar you will learn how to clear these possible blocks, create a plan, set intentions, follow your thoughts …… to achieve your achievements.

This is not a get-rich-quick manual, but rather a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential to become rich in all aspects of your life. The Manifestation and Abundance seminar has the following criteria, taught by a certified ThetaHealing® instructor:

  • Manifesting Downloads in a Theta State
  • How blocks on abundance are seldom about money
  • Exercises to remove your blocks
  • Exercise: Divine Timing
  • Exercise:Remembering your Future
  • Exercise: How to create your future from the Seventh Plane and manifesting in the highest and the best way
  • Exercise: Bless your money

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Manifesting and Abundance Practitioner
  • Refreshment


The Intuitive Anatomy Seminar is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes ThetaHealing® Practitioners through the Body Intuitive, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the organs and systems. The student will discover the emotions and Beliefs that are inherent in the body.

This seminar offers healing of body systems by releasing accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. Students have ample time for self-healing and work with other seminar members to clear limiting Beliefs.

This seminar is for serious applicants who desire to become highly skilled in scanning and healing in the physical body using the ThetaHealing technique.

On intuitive anatomy, the student will gain the following knowledge:

  • Learn the magic of the human body
  • Learn that disease and disorders go hand in hand with the demonstration of emotions
  • Come to the realization that emotions are signals that the body is out of balance
  • Discover new emotional Programs and Beliefs that are attached to every body system
  • Understand how much space is taken up by negative emotions
  • Know the specific Beliefs that come with diseases
  • Practice seeing into the body with body scans. honor the client’s free agency

The clearer students become, the easier it is for them to work on their clients, and themselves.
In each system, the student will encounter emotions, challenges and issues that they’ve carried for a very long time.

This seminar is designed for the Creator to hone the abilities of healers.
The friendships formed in this seminar can last forever.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Dig Deeper, You and the Creator

Duration: 3 weeks (15 working days)

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – Be a THETAHEALING® Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner
  • Refreshment


The Book ThetaHealing® Diseases and Disorders was created for this seminar in 2007 with insights from Vianna from over 40,000 Readings.

On the first day, the student will receive the Diseases and Disorders book. Every day for two weeks, the instructor will work with the students on their blocks of working with different diseases. They also discuss the diseases they are familiar with, to give insights into the physical, mental and emotional components of illnesses.

This seminar encompasses explaining the body systems, over 100 diseases and disorders, covering herbs and minerals.

This seminar is definitely for the alternative professional.

The ThetaHealing Practitioner will be taught an in-depth understanding of disease from an intuitive perspective.
The ThetaHealing Practitioner will discover the hidden Belief Systems they have towards disease that may be impeding their abilities to heal emotional imbalance in others and themselves. It is still what we believe inside that makes the difference.

How Feelings, Emotions, Beliefs and Programs influence how we behave and have dramatic affects on the body’s well being.
Learn the Programs, Belief Systems, intuitive insights, remedies and supplements that Vianna has found to be of value as they pertain to certain diseases and disorders.

Upon completion, the ThetaHealing Practitioner will be one step closer to their ThetaHealing Master title.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper Seminar & Intuitive Anatomy, You and the Creator

Duration: 2 weeks (5 days, 2 days off and 5 days respectively)

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Disease and Disorder – Practitioner
  • ThetaHealing Book Diseases and Disorders
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood


Are you ready to find true Rhythm in your life?
Change your beliefs while learning a new exciting way to release weight and tap into your inner peace.

It’s not just about weight loss! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for your self through your own dreams and desires!

This seminar teaches Vianna’s weight loss secrets.
It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are and embracing Gods will for you!

THETAHEALING RHYTHM For Finding Your Perfect Weight!
Manifests Your Perfect Weight

Explore your inner being and become the most magnificent version of you that you can be. Discover how to feed the body with the best feelings and foods that your body will reward you for, the 8 minute rule, and Vianna’s secret exercise!

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 1/2 day (This is a 4 hour training.)

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Book: Rhythm for Finding Your Perfect Weight
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


This unique seminar was developed for those who love animals and have a deep connection and affinity with everything living.

In this two-day seminar, you will gain a deeper understanding and confidence in animal recovery. You will also learn why we, as humans, behave as we do, how our DNA really works, and to make changes in our life through our DNA.
With the Animal seminar, you will learn in-depth information about the third plane of existence, where we reside as humans and animals.

Many who attend this seminar will learn a large amount of information on how to communicate with animals.

You will get to experience several exercises where we can learn how to work with animals, whether they are domesticated or wild, how to learn from the animal kingdom, and to see the world around us in a new light.

With an understanding of the animal kingdom, we have the ability to gain insight about our own human nature and way of being.

With this seminar you will be able to improve your knowledge and you will be ready for the information of the next seminar Planes of Existence.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA , Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 1-2 days, depending on how many animals the instructor wants to pass at the training.

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – be THETAHEALING® DNA3 Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


This seminar is dedicated to the secret intuitive world of plants, trees and elements and is an in-depth discovery of how to communicate with the plant and realm of the Second Plane of Existence.

The Second Plane of Existence teaches us to be in harmony with the plants, trees and elementals. Within this harmony, we learn the first lesson of how plants use light-energy to heal. Learn how to heal a plant and how to permit the plant kingdom to heal you.

In this seminar, Vianna shares her knowledge on how to gardening really well and what plant essences bring to our bodies.

Learn how to communicate with plants, why trees are the wisest beings on our planet, and receive a healing from a plant. Learn how beneficial the plant kingdom is to the world and to you! Understand what the plant kingdom teaches us about light energy and how to utilize that light energy for feeding our bodies. Each plant has different vibration frequencies… Discover what makes a mother tree, a father tree, portal trees, and the many different kinds of plants and how they communicate with each other.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 1 day

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Plant Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Earth is always trying to communicate with us, but are we really listening?
This seminar will allow you to bring more positive changes into your life by learning how to work with the Earth.

How to get to know the Earth better and learn how to communicate with it and understand how it communicates with you as well.
This seminar will also bring you to the realization that energy moves back and forth between us.

It helps you to work with the earth to bring changes that actually need to be changed now.

This seminar is a prerequisite for DNA 4.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be the THETAHEALING® Practicioner – You and the Earth
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


The Planes of Existence is the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminar and books of ThetaHealing®. By learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime and why she was creating difficult situations in her life.

Seminar The planes of existence are quantum mechanics of metaphysics.

In this seminar, Vianna will take you to dimensions beyond this universe… into what he considers to be the beginnings of life itself.

Vianna will take you on a journey that leads outward past the universe … to offer the conception that with a theta state of mind it is possible to go beyond the speed of light with the power of thought …to connect to a divine energy before it becomes anything in this universe.

Through each of the Planes of Existence you experience a wealth of information and exercises that enhance each of the planes. As a student you will experience the connection of the Seventh Plane to the Creator of All That is… which means….
through the six plane learning about the wisdom of the laws and virtues…
through the 5th plane of angels and ascended masters, dimensions and alternate realities…
to the fourth plane of the ancestors and learning….
to the third plane of humans and why we do what we do….
the second plane of the plants and their healing properties….
and the first plane of the rocks and the Earth and Land records and start the process of developing your own self-mastery

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy


Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and Your Inner Circle, World Relationships

Duration: 5 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • ThetaHealing Seven Planes of Existence Book
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Planes of existence Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


The 2 planes of existence are the visible and invisible forces of the universe, and understanding them means understanding how our universe works on a physical and spiritual level.
In the first Planes of Existence seminar, we take a deep look at what each plane is and what it represents, and learn how to work with them to improve our lives.

The Planes of Existence 2 takes us to a deeper level of learning, to fully and effectively work with and understand the 7 planes, so we can truly feel part of all of them and reach the true feeling of oneness with the energy of creation. After all, it is that oneness that will give you the power to create your own reality.

After this seminar, you will have a deeper respect and humility for life and you will realize that there is much more to the planes of existence.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, You and Your Inner Circle, You and the Earth, Planes of Existence, Intuitive Anatomy, Basic DNA Instructor

Duration: 8 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Planes of existence 2 Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


ThetaHealing’s® World Relations seminar focuses on specific cultures and beliefs that trigger current and past issues with races, religions, and people. Once these belief issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentment that goes back centuries will be released. This will allow the participants to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.

The students will participate in hands-on Belief Work to find and release negative feelings and programs of other cultures and people around the world.

In this day and age the world has become a much smaller place. Cultures are much more able to come into contact due to plane travel and the information age. Because of this, we have a pressing need to understand and accept other cultures. Students that took the first World Relations seminar were surprised at how many negative unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions came to light in the Belief Work sessions. In many instances, these were genetic (ancestor) beliefs attached to fear, hatred and anger towards other countries, lands and their people that they never knew they had. The World Relations Seminar is a powerful tool for removing inner and outer conflict in yourself towards others.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 5 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® World Relations
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


“LOVE OF SELF” is about unlocking your psychic senses and understanding your innate abilities. It’s a roadmap to self-empowerment, helping you recognize and nurture the psychic gifts that lie within you.

Are you someone who feels everything in a room, from the energy of the people to the vibrations of the trees and the world around you? If you resonate with the concept of clairsentience, we are here to guide you on a transformative path.

In a world where intuitive abilities can sometimes make self-love a challenge, “Love of Self” offers invaluable insights. We’ll help you navigate the complexities of self-criticism that often arise when others are critical of you. Understanding your intuitive strengths, what’s working, and what needs improvement is key to your personal growth.

Join us at “Love of Self” and unleash Your Inner Psychic Potential. Your psychic abilities are a powerful gift waiting to be fully understood and harnessed. They can be your best friends, guiding lights, and sources of strength. It’s time to embrace and celebrate the remarkable psychic potential within you.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the creator

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – To be a THETAHEALING® Love of Self Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


ThetaHealing DNA3 is a long-awaited seminar for advanced ThetaHealing students.

It teaches you the knowledge of how to work on non-organic and organic matter and the awareness that we can step out of our own paradigm and quickly get beneficial changes to health and wellbeing using the mitochondria of the DNA; whilst also mastering the knowing that everyone is creating their reality, and with the proper knowledge, can step out of it at will.

This seminar includes work on deep programs of resistance and rejection, as well as work on beliefs to know ourselves:

  • Intuitively lining up the Eternal Molecules;
  • Spiritual bi-location;
  • Understanding the energy fields of non-organic material
  • And the power of our words to manifest our reality.

The practitioners who participated in this seminar will really appreciate the immediate and very noticeable improvement in their intuitive skills. Life can take on a new ease as you practice these unique teachings for yourself and your clients, and you’ll discover the true potential of your wonderful mind.

This seminar offers an impressive expansion of our ThetaHealing abilities and is highly recommended for practitioners who want to live in continuous knowledge of 7. Plane of existence and connection to the Creator of All That Is.

This seminar contains a large number of exercises and trainings that will teach you how to help move forward the world and the people around us.

Learn how to create your own reality while releasing the blocks that are holding you back from creating that reality.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and Creator, You and Your Inner Circle, World Relations

Duration:5 consecutive days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be the THETAHEALING® DNA3 Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Part 1

DNA 4 Part 1: Seminar on Nurturing Your Spirit

DNA 4 connects body, mind and earth to achieve harmony within and around you. This amazing seminar opens the door to a new series of seminars. Join us in person. Ready to play?

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA
Advanced DNA
Dig deeper
You and the Creator
You and your inner circle
You and the Earth
Manifesting and Abundance
Planes of existence
Planes of Existence 2
World relations
Basic DNA Instructor

Duration: 4 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – Be a THETAHEALING® Practitioner of DNA4 Part 1
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

Part 2

DNA4 Part 2: Frequency of Materialization

This informative seminar deals with different frequencies and their profound impact on our lives. Learn how each virtue resonates with a unique frequency, and learn what a key role the frequency of kindness plays in bringing your manifestations into reality. Join us and expand your understanding to improve your materialization skills. Ready to increase your frequency? Be part of this transformational journey.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA
Advanced DNA
Dig deeper
Diseases and disorders
You and your significant other
You and the Creator
You and your inner circle
You and the Earth
Intuitive anatomy
Manifesting and Abundance
Planes of existence
Planes of Existence 2
World relations
Basic DNA Instructor
Advanced DNA Instructor
Dig Deeper Instructor
Illnesses and Diseases Instructor
DNA 3 Instructor
You and your significant other Instructor
You and the Creator Instructor
You and Your Inner Circle Instructor
Intuitive Anatomy Instructor
Manifestation and Abundance Instructor
World Relations Instructors
DNA 4 Part 1

Duration: 5 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Practitioner DNA4
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Part 3

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA
Advanced DNA
Dig deeper
Diseases and disorders
You and your significant other
You and the Creator
You and your inner circle
You and the Earth
Intuitive anatomy
Manifesting and Abundance
Planes of existence
Planes of Existence 2
The Intuitive Child Inside Me (Rainbow Children)
World relations
Basic DNA Instructor
Advanced DNA Instructor
Dig Deeper Instructor
Illnesses and Diseases Instructor
DNA 3 Instructor
You and your significant other Instructor
You and the Creator Instructor
You and Your Inner Circle Instructor
Intuitive Anatomy Instructor
Manifestation and Abundance Instructor
The Intuitive Child Inside Me (Rainbow Children) Instructor
World Relations Instructor
DNA 4 Part 1
DNA 4 Part 2

Duration: 4 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – Be a THETAHEALING® Practitioner of DNA4 Part 3
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.



This 3-day seminar was designed based on real success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and withdraw hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business. Vianna has partnered with Hiro in an endeavor to unite spirituality and business, and this seminar is one of the first products from the effort, available through the ThetaHealing technique.
The topics of this seminar include:

  • Belief work – Practical Approach
  • Free yourself from parent obligations
  • Release traumas
  • Get accepted by society
  • Handle peer pressure
  • Receive infinite abundance
  • Grow your business as you wish
  • Get ready to succeed
  • Get excited
  • Visioning and Manifestation

ThetaHealing’s® Life by Play seminar was originally designed to bridge the gap between business and spirituality. When the seminar was introduced, people in business began to see success by releasing and purging their beliefs, which helped them achieve their business goals. From that moment on, this seminar grew into the realization that whatever your goal, whether in business or in private, this seminar will bring your vision into your being. In this seminar, focus is key. You focus on your vision and release the beliefs around the creation your vision.

This is an amazing selection seminar that uses the ThetaHealing technique.

This seminar was written in collaboration with Vianna Stibal and Hiroyuki in 2010 and was approved by a selection process in 2011.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Game of Life Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


The “Conscious Abundance” seminar is approved as a ThetaHealing® elective seminar. This seminar was organized by Mark Anthony using the ThetaHealing technique to help ThetaHealing practitioners adopt the “Conscious Abundance” way of thinking.

A persons’ mindset either draws or repels wealth towards them. For many, wealth seems to be outside of us but in actual fact wealth is a state of mind that you can consciously adopt whenever you want to.

The first step towards becoming wealthy is shifting your dominant focus from a scarcity and lack mindset and breaking away from the limiting mental patterns, rules and habits that impoverish us and draw us again and again into the poverty cycle.
All the wealth you have ever desired lies within you and not outside of you!

The purpose of this seminar is to raise our consciousness using the technique of Thetahealing, so that we can naturally align our vibration (the sum total of all our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and feelings) with universal laws that will create and sustain wealth in ways that will benefit everyone….
A Wealth Conscious mindset can be acquired by anyone and is not limited to only the few lucky ones or special and talented individuals in our Society.

In the early part of the 1900’s and throughout history it was noted that it took the most wealthy individuals almost an entire life time to acquire wealth but now with the shift in human consciousness people can tap into this mindset and acquire wealth in very little time.
The overall goal and uniqueness of this seminar is to help shift our thinking from poverty awareness to abundance abundance, where money flows into our lives faster through the work we love.

To achieve conscious abundance, 3 basic questions will be addressed during the seminar.
Who Am I?
What is the Highest truth about our Existence?
What is my purpose here?
Life is the images of the mind expressed!

This seminar was designed by Mark Anthony using ThetaHealing techniques and was approved by a selection process in 2014.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Wealth Consciousness Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


In this seminar, we turn our attention inward and discover the beliefs we have adopted precisely because of the family into which we were born.

This is a seminar where, by letting go of beliefs that no longer serve us, we better recognize, recognize and accept ourselves and lead a freer existence. In short, we become able to more completely love and accept ourselves, and in this way we come to know ourselves as beings of light.
This seminar explores how, through a better understanding of family and ancestral beliefs and programs, we can free ourselves from various commitments and responsibilities that were never ours in the beginning, and find a new sense of our own identity and our direction in life based on our own truth, goals, and desires.

This seminar uses the basic tools of the ThetaHealing® technique to solve a number of family-related problems. In the process a number of innovative exercises are introduced.

Areas of focus include:

  • Clearing resentments toward one’s parents
  • Identifying energetic patterns in one’s family and clearing family issues
  • Recollecting one’s intention in having been born into this world, and in choosing one’s particular family
  • Integration with the higher self

By discovering your family tree and lineage, you will see family patterns that are passed down to you through your ancestors. By clearing and releasing the blocks and beliefs, you can break free from those patterns and cycles and move forward in a new way, your way full of unconditional love. As you discover the family patterns, you would have developed an understanding to how and why you are who you are. This is a dynamic class focused on the family.

This seminar was designed by Reiko Samos using ThetaHealing techniques and was approved by a selection procedure in 2013.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Family Ties Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


The Symphony of Hormones is a 2-day seminar (also possible online) designed to support your ThetaHealing skills.
Are you tired?
Do you have a lot of Stress in your Life?
Do you have monthly hormone imbalances?
Do you have a lot of changes in your body?
Are you aware of how your Ancestors felt in their life?
Do you know what changes your ancestors went through?

During this in-depth seminar, we go deeper into the topic of hormones and their impact on the human body.
Hormones are messengers that are necessary for a smooth functioning of the body. These hormones are produced by the endocrine system and the organs in the body. Every hormone is a key which has a corresponding receptor, or lock, for each cell. We have a large number of different hormones with different roles for the body.
A very important influence on the hormones and the body makes the neurotransmitter DMT (Dimethylterephthalate), we call this the molecule of consciousness.
We will discuss what DMT is and how it influences the hormones and the body.

This seminar was designed by Jutta Wirth and Matthias Wirth using the ThetaHealing techniques in 2017.
Jutta Wirth has more than 36 years of experience in the medical sector, as an educated nurse, acknowledged by the international Swiss Red Cross.
She has taken what she has learned as a nurse and combined her knowledge with the ThetaHealing technique to look more into hormone imbalance.
During and after her work as a nurse, she has learned a lot of information about the human body. For the last 12 years she has been practicing and teaching the ThetaHealing Technique.
Her motivation to study Hormones, with the ThetaHealing technique, was because of her own personal experience.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Hormone Symphony Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Is ThetaHealing your passion?
Are you compelled to help others and awaken them?
Does practicing or teaching ThetaHealing make your heart feel warm and your soul happy?
Do you feel and believe that ThetaHealing is your soul purpose?
Do you wish to make of ThetaHealing a successful business, but feel hesitant, not completely ready or not confident enough?
Are you struggling in attracting a constant flow of clients or students?
Do you find it hard to work on yourself to keep the abundance flowing your way?
Are you having doubts that you can achieve success and abundance and joy while living your life purpose as a ThetaHealer?
Do you wish to live in harmony with your Divine Path and learn how to easily work on yourself to keep shining in your life mission?

This two-day seminar was designed to make it easier for all practitioners and instructors to follow their life path, their purpose in life, and enable them to live abundance and success.
This seminar answers any fears that arise when you come to know that ThetaHealing is the purpose of your life, and will give you the opportunity to remove blocks and negative programs that may have made it difficult for you to follow your path.

This seminar will also prepare you to be the best version of yourself by helping you get to know yourself more, better understand your path and path, why you chose it, recognize your divine true nature, and enable your Divine Path to have and achieve success and abundance.
The overall purpose of this seminar is to increase your confidence as a ThetaHealing Practitioner, to help you harness your divine nature and true power, and to enable you to begin receiving the limitless abundance of the Creator so that you can have a successful and expanding career in ThetaHealing.

This is a powerful and new seminar for ThetaHealing practitioners and instructors who use the ThetaHealing technique.

It was designed and written by Elias Kanakri, and approved by Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® True Alignment With Your Soul Purpose Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Do you know where your true power comes from?
Do you know that we are more powerful when we have more love?
Where does love come from?
How to attract it into your life?
Do you know that forgiveness is the basic prerequisite for love?
Do you know that it is most important to forgive those things that have shaken our lives the most, the “unforgivable” things that have happened to you in this life?
Do you really know the reason why someone has mistreated, abused, neglected, provoked and abandoned you when you needed them most?

When you find out the reason and become aware of how those people felt at that moment and why they did or did not do something, only then will you be able to truly understand and forgive yourself and them. You probably think you have forgiven your mother and father, or partner, and when you muscle test, the answer is “yes”, but have you truly forgiven them from the depths of your heart and soul?
When you picture yourself with your mother and father, meeting them right now for a lunch, do you feel joy to be near them or you feel upset or uncomfortable?
Whom have you not forgiven yet?
When we truly forgive, we feel a huge burden falling off us; we feel at ease when thinking of those people and our relationship with them.
Have you forgiven yourself? When we forgive ourselves, it will be easier to forgive others, and vice versa.
What is very interesting is that when we truly forgive, we liberate ourselves and our descendants from curses and spells, and we are free. We have more energy and better health. Our relationships and abundance improve also. After you forgive, you are free from resentment, hate, regret and you can manifest better to be a better healer. We become more happy and joyful and our connection with Creator is stronger.

What does it mean to be powerful? Does that mean we will be able to levitate, to change the form-shapeshift, to rule others or keep them in control? Or it may mean that we are able to live in our true nature of love and peace, to change ourselves, to release from our lives all that does not serve us, be responsible for our lives, realize ourselves, to act from the internal motivation of love and understanding for others? Also, to be powerful means to know who we are and what our purpose and meaning in this life are, and to focus our energy and intention in that direction.

This seminar is designed to help forgiveness, love and our personal power enter our lives to be more tolerant and understanding towards others and ourselves.

This selection seminar was designed by Goran Karna using ThetaHealing® techniques and was approved by a selection procedure in 2014.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Basic DNA Instructor, Advanced DNA Instructor, Dig Deeper Instructor

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Forgiveness, Love and Power Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


When one mentions the word addiction, the first association is generally an addiction to certain substances such as alcohol, nicotine or drugs. But there are other kinds of addictions that we are not aware of at first glance, for example, addiction to certain feelings, addiction to success, work, money, conflicts, addiction to praise, exercise, facebook, etc.

Do you know that when we are addicted, we are not free, we are conditioned by something or someone we are addicted to?
Would you like to liberate yourself from it and be free?
Would you like to know the difference between addiction and love, fear, feeling of guilt…?
Would you like to know how to heal people from addictions and help them to change their life?
Would you like to find out which programs are stored in your chakras that are blocking their proper functioning and how to open your chakras to their full capacity or which feelings causing your brain chemicals to be unbalanced. If our brain chemicals and their receptors are not in balance, we can be prone to many disorders and diseases, such as ADHD, obsessive behavior, PMS, depression and even cancer and other diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, etc.

Do you know reason why our aura picks up various negative energies and vibrations and how to make our aura much stronger?
Would you like to find out how to minimize losing our energy and soul fragments and stop giving them to others unnecessarily?
There are many positive meanings of attachment but we will use yogic meaning in sense that attachments are obstacles in the spiritual growth.
What does it mean in yogic practice to be attached to someone or something? It means that we do not know who we are without it, and we often cannot imagine our lives without the thing or a person we are attached to. Also, the attachment does not allow new, fresh energies to enter our lives. Attachment can be a limited form of communication, business or partner relationship, or spiritual development. The fact is that we can also be spiritually attached, as well as emotionally and mentally, not just to material things or people, but also to things like planes of existence, secret teachings or societies of the Fourth and the Fifth Planes of Existence, our soul family, the pain and suffering of our parents, nation, ancestors, …

Vows, commitments, contracts, agreements, promises, obligations, bans and oaths follow us from one life to another whether we like it or not, and we are very rarely, during our evolution, given a chance to get rid of them. The fact is that we do not even know how many vows and commitments we have made (or have taken over from others – our mother, father, ancestors, nation, soul family, …), nor are we aware of the burden that we carry on the history level, soul level and even the genetic and core levels.

This seminar is a contribution to freeing ourselves from all these limitations and expanding our consciousness.
This seminar was designed by Goran Karna using ThetaHealing techniques and was approved by a selection process in 2014.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Basic DNA Instructor, Advanced DNA Instructor, Dig Deeper Instructor

Duration: 4 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Free Yourself from Addictions, Attachments & Vows Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


The H​eart Song ​technique is one of the more advanced and powerful exercises that ThetaHealing® offers.
The use of it allows expression of deep sorrow and grief, that may accumulate in the person and delay their process of healing, manifestation and spiritual growth, when they do not feel they have the space nor the legitimacy to freely express them.

The ​Heart Song a​llows the healing process to reach beyond the limitations of the analytic mind, with the grace of the Creator’s unconditional love.
The sounds produced in the ​Heart Song ​allows a flow of contained energy to be released gently from the body, opening up the space for new flow of energy of unconditional love and healing, while having the good influence of the waves of sound on all the cells of the body and the different organs.
As practitioners, the witnessing and the support that we provide in the ​Heart Song ​session help the person receiving to be present with so called “negative” emotions, mindfully releasing them in a safe and contained environment, without “skipping” essential steps in the healing process.

In this seminar, we will explore the world of our inner tones and vibrations through various physical manifestations such as breathing and body movement with awareness. We will be practicing the ​Heart Song​ technique on different parts of our body and allow a release of grief and sorrow from the cells of our body. We will follow with believe work.

In this seminar you will learn how to:

  • Develop a holistic approach towards the healing process and allowing the use of our body and voice for attaining wellbeing on all levels
  • Release a great amount of held energy from the body in order to achieve faster healing and high profound intuitive abilities
  • Attentive preparation of the body can help in the process of the heart song
  • Facilitate and support a safe space for emotional well being
  • Create sacred space dedicated for healing and prayer
  • The power of prayer and chanting as a way to communicate with the Creator of All That Is

This seminar was designed by Narayan Jyoti using ThetaHealing techniques and was approved by a selection process in 2016.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 2 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® The Body Sings Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.


Have you ever wondered… “Why are there colors?”
It’s about the same thing as asking “Why is there air?”
That is how COLOR is thought to be the natural order of things.

However there are different types of COLOR
The color of the room, the color of the light, the transparent colors like a glass cups.
The color of the face, mind, aura and chakra.
Every color has a different impression and different image.
In general, Green gives out an image of nature and has an relaxing effect.
Red is active and energetic.

So how does it feel to you personally?
What color do you like?
There are people who like yellow.
Some like pink, pastel tone and some like mono tone in particular.
Every person has a different sense towards color.
Then where do the senses come from?
Why are they different from one another?
It is because, everything has color and it comes with the memory of self experience.

This seminar of knowing and understanding your connection to color and mind, letting go of trauma and the possibility of transitioning to a new life.

In this seminar you will learn:

  • Bases of Color – Color is a law. By knowing the basic you will be able to distinguish color
  • The Theory of Color Life – We learn how color effects the body and mind Color
  • Psychology- Through coloring exercises we discover the state of the mind and work through ThetaHealing exercises
  • Personal Color – In class we will analyze the color that you will shine from the color of your eyes and skin

This selection seminar was designed by Katsumi Ifuku using ThetaHealing techniques and was approved by a selection process in 2016.

Conditions for participation in the seminar:
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

Duration: 3 days

Seminar Includes:

  • ThetaHealing® Manual in Slovak language – compiled by Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique
  • Certificate made by THInK® (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge), which entitles you to work with the Thetahealing® technique – to be a THETAHEALING® Color Record Practitioner
  • Refreshment

What to bring:

  • Something to write, notepad, water bottle and good mood

Note: If you need the seminar or the manuals in English or German language, you need to inform us in a timely manner.

“It doesn’t matter what way of life you go and where it takes you… “
The important thing is… that you always come to the
right place… at the right time”

The seminars will also be published via Facebook and Instagram.

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We are happy to welcome you all to our seminars.